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3 Years Old

And just like that it’s been 3 years. 3 years since we were told the prognosis was poor. 3 years since we entered into the unknown world of a medically complex child, terrified & feeling helpless, & now it is our comfort zone. 3 years since we learned the full extent of the love our friends & family have for us & our little boy. 3 years since we were blessed with a miracle. You are such an amazing little boy, Liam. We love you so much 💕
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October 2017

Since Care Pages is shutting down at the end of the year, Alex & I still want to keep everyone updated on Liam so we're trying a couple different things. We've started a Facebook group but I know that not everyone uses Facebook so I'm going to try blogging as well. I'll probably keep it set up more like the Care Page with at least monthly updates. I'll try not to be too redundant but I also want to make sure everyone who wants to can stay in the loop! Audiology-Liam had his sound booth check & this one did show he has lost some hearing in his right ear. He now has severe loss in both. The audiologist adjusted his hearing aids & it seemed to help because we haven't noticed any less response at home. We will be extending these checks to every 6 months now instead of every 3.  Pulmonary-We finally met to go over Liam's sleep study results from a few months back. It showed that he has higher CO2 levels than normal & is still having some ap